You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients. --Julia Child
30 July 2015
sourdough pizza
25 July 2015
Sourdough Bread
Average kitchen ambient temperature: 8-16C.
It was certainly a risk to attempt culturing my own sourdough. But it worked! Though more work needed to perfect the bread.
The original recipe for the starter was from Nourish Kitchen but many _ad hoc_ modifications were made:
- Feeding was dropped to once a day to twice every three days to adjust for the slower growth in the dead of winter.
- Feeding amount was also reduced to 1/4-1/3 cup of flour.
- Instead of throwing excess growth away, I split the starter. This was mostly so I have a parallel experiment.
The starter's about 12 daya old now. Growing slow, but growing. Nice sour aroma. Looked a bit dry this morning, so may start feeding more often.